Salim Does The Orient

My name is Salim and I like doing stuff. This is the continuing account of me doing stuff in and to Southern Asia.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Hotel Bar in Bangkok

It was only recently explained to me how to upload videos to my blog or I would have put this up sooner.
This is a band that was playing in a random hotel bar in Bangkok last time Heather and I went. They were playing the type of cheesey music you would expect a group of middle aged guys to be playing in a touristy hotel bar. Propped up on top of a baby grand piano right next to the stage was a huge television which was showing videotapes of Pride Fighting Championships, which is a no-holds-barred fighting competition. It looked like the few patrons in the place were paying less attention to the men on the screen beating each other bloody than they were to the lead singer of the bands horrible toupe. It was one of those hair pieces you get anxious watching because you fear it may come flying off the wearer's head if they make any sudden movements.

I was so shocked by what I was watching I didn't have the presence of mind to record it until the very end of the song. Unfortunately due to the "mood" lighting you cannot see the singer's toupe, but trust me, you aint missing much.

They are singing "With Love to You, Thaiwan". I had never heard this song, and wondered why they would sing a song about Thaiwan when they were in Thailand, and if they had written the song or was it someone elses lovely work.
Well, upon further research it appears the song was written by someone named Lobo back in the seventies. Here is a picture of Lobo. It seems that the singer of this cover band in Bangkok was trying to emulate Lobo's wonderous hair with his toupe.

MAN! I can't fucking wait to go back!


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