Salim Does The Orient

My name is Salim and I like doing stuff. This is the continuing account of me doing stuff in and to Southern Asia.

Friday, July 29, 2005


There are stray dogs EVERYWHERE here. They seem to get along fine just living on garbage and rodents. Here in India they don't say "vegetarian" or "meat" when referring to dishes or even people. They say "Veg" or "Non Veg". Our friend Lauren has classified the dogs here into two categories: Veg and Non Veg. The Veg dogs are just your run of the mill cute stray dogs. They trot from road to road looking for scraps and barking at the water buffalo. The Non Veg dogs, on the other hand are a bit more sketchy. They don't trot but either run or slink. Some even swerve from side to side as the rabies or whatever takes hold. They bark at anything that moves, they don't have much hair and some even foam at the mouth. They are altogether bad news.
This dog here seems to be Veg. I wouldn't pet him, but he didn't seem too diseased. He was digging for scraps until he saw that we had ice cream.