Salim Does The Orient

My name is Salim and I like doing stuff. This is the continuing account of me doing stuff in and to Southern Asia.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He're's some nonsense for you.

I thought I'd post this little clip to give you a small example of the nonsensical time wasting activities that go on around our building every day.
Much to my suprise, though, this man was working alone for almost three hours. You might watch this and say "Why wouldn't he be alone? How much good would it do him to have an assistant in this task?" But that has never stopped anyone here in the past.

I'm not sure if you remember the book The Phantom Tollbooth. But there is a scene described in the book where someone has to move an entire mountain from one place to another one grain of sand at a time, using a pair of tweezers. I guess the author got his inspiration in Hyderabad.